Sunday, May 15, 2011

J07 - Peer Review

Here we are again at the third go around of peer dialog. Again, I reviewed the Queens with how well we've gotten to know each other. Since the last time we did these reviews, we had a journal, an assignment, a reading reflection, and a class reflection. These are the items I will focus on.

I started with Alyson's blog.
The first item I looked at was her assignment 4 entry - the letterforms found in nature. I love looking at these because I really enjoyed doing the assignment, so seeing what other people came up with was very enjoyable to me. Alyson definitely had a few that I had never noticed, and probably never would have had she not found them. I think my favorite was the "S" she found using a light bulb. She did a really great job of cropping pictures too, so the letters were very noticeable, like in her first letter "E".
Next I reviewed her online scavenger hunt, and she had some great websites that I have not yet been through before which will be extremely beneficial for assignment 5.

Next for review, I looked over Jay's blog.
The first thing I jumped too again was assignment 4. His was by far my favorite of the ones I looked at, not just because he had all 26 characters of the alphabet, but because they are all very creative. From lacing in a baseball glove, to the framing in a football helmet, to everyday household products and consumer goods, Jay's alphabet included a little bit of everything. The "B", "G", "I", "K", and "Z" were definitely on the top of my list.
I continued reading through his blog and the next item of business was his scavenger hunt. He, too, had some ideas for websites and companies I hadn't considered, such as Jeep. All this insight will be very helpful in the near future.

Lastly, I looked at Sydni's blog.
She had some great ideas for letterforms in nature, and my two favorite from her included the "R" from a fireplace mantle, and the "W" from window valences. I would have NEVER thought of the curtains as one, but it definitely looked like one after seeing the picture.
It was nice looking at her online scavenger hunt, because she also included Coleman, who we're currently working for. It was clear the research she did, and it seems she has a pretty good grasp of the idea of the difference between home goods and outdoor goods. She is definitely a crucial part in our research for assignment 5.

All in all, I am confident that after reviewing my group members' blogs that we have a copious amount of websites and background of indoor and outdoor home goods. This makes me a little less stressed as we'll be able to go to all these different examples for when we start designing.

Monday, May 9, 2011


In the past couple of classes we had guest speakers come in and speak to us about their experience in Design and what it's like going through school and the process finding a job and also what kind of jobs are available for designers. I found this really neat as they showed us examples of their work, not only from school, but also what they're working on now. It's actually really encouraging to me to see that there is still work for designers (since it's such a broad field) even in this economy. I really liked hearing about the company designed by the students - Cobago. It just shows that even if you can't find work, you can make work. I think just hearing first-hand from past students that it is a good field to be in is really encouraging, knowing that it isn't impossible, and that it's even possible to have a job after graduation.

We have also watched a couple videos in the past couple weeks, one being "RiP: A Remixer's Manifesto". This was very interesting to see, and how copyright laws have been used and abused by companies such as Disney to stop the reproduction of any of their works, or even collaborations or renditions of their works. One example was the preschool that was sued for having non-copyrighted "Mickey Mouse" paintings up. I think it is ridiculous that a day care would be sued for copyright infringement for just painting Disney characters on the walls. I also found it intriguing the process musicians such as Girl Talk have gone through to produce music. I think it's pretty unfair and just shows how greedy corporations and people are in this day and age.

J06 - Online Scavenger Hunt

Outdoor Camping and Recreation Products Websites (5):






Camping/Outdoor Trade Show Images (3):




Indoor Home Good Products Websites (5):






Home/Indoor Trade Show Images (3):




What is an indoor home good?

To me, an indoor home good is any product manufactured for the universal use in homes that is designed specifically for a certain function, which is easy to use and accessible. Some examples of "Indoor Home Goods" includes (3):

1. Refrigerator

2. Furniture

3. Lighting Fixtures

A04 - Letterform Seek and Find

A sidewAlk "A"

Bicycle rack "B"

light Fixture "F"

park bencH "H"

bIg lIght "I"

J-walking "J"

Outside "O"

mirror lake "Q"

stReet light "R"

handrail "T"

Upside-down bike rack "U"

support frame "V"

rain drain "W"

fence "X"

parking spot "Y"