Sunday, April 3, 2011

Introduction! (A01/J01)

Hey Everybody! (Or to all who reads this),

My name is Tyler Burkert. I am 19 years old and have spent the last 19 years of my life in Ohio. Pretty exciting, right? Cincinnati to be exact. I have been at Ohio State for two years now, making me a sophomore. I started my college experience in Scholars Architecture and lived in Baker West my freshman year. After a change in plans, I am no longer in Architecture, instead I am figuring out what I really want to do for the rest of my life. I've recently decided I want to maybe give Marketing, Design, or some form of Communication a try. Why you ask? Well, I love to draw and I love dealing with people and designing things for people, so these options are pretty viable right now. If anyone wants to comment on the Marketing/Design/Communication route, please do. I really want to hear what people are saying about the majors, and how they feel about them.

I've loved to draw ever since I was a little kid. I still do to this day. The walls in my apartment are covered in chalk (as you can tell from my profile picture) so if you're like me, you understand how much fun it really is. That is what life's about right, having fun? I like to think so. That's probably why my main source of income (job) includes dressing up in ridiculous costumes at a theme park and dancing with people and kids all day. I can't think of a job that I'd rather do. Maybe to become a tattoo artist, because it would let me show my creativity (or lack thereof) to many. I recently got a tattoo, one I designed myself. I've drawn up tattoos for some of my friends too, and I really enjoy seeing the art move from one medium to the other. It's almost like the art comes to life, and that's something I really enjoy seeing, even if it isn't my own.

A lot of what I draw and the designs I do come from music, which I consider another huge part in my life. I believe that music very much defines who I am, as there is a genre of music for every mood I'm in. It's just another form of art and considering I love art, music is one of my favorite forms to experience.

So in all, I guess I'm just looking to take away a little bit of everything from Design 200. I want to learn what design is, what types of designs are out there, and how to implement what I want to do in Design, or implement what I learn in Design to what I want to do. I'm hoping that this course will help me make my ultimate decision in what I want to do for the rest of my life (what a scary thought. . .) even if it is something I'm not even considering at this point. I'll cross that road when I come to it, so for now I'm going to enjoy the experience and take everything from this class that I can.

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